
Company active in garden products


The PE backed Company in the outdoor living market had grown via buy-and-build to a turnover level of approx. €85m. The company sells her products through various channels (including retailers, DIY stores and giftshops) in more than 75 countries. In the past, the Company had a strong focus on growth and little focus on returns. The traditional customer base with good returns had partly been offset by sales to large companies with more private label products, which have lower returns. This led to a loss making year and breach of covenants, and a need for strategic reorientation and making choices in its portfolio (products, brands and countries).


Beaufort assisted the company in this reorientation, by making an in-depth financial ‘feeder’ and ‘bleeder’ analysis, to make strategic choices and to identify additional result improvement measures by reorganizing the internal organization.

"IBR and drawing up in-depth financial analysis to make strategic choices"